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Recently, the On Hand Development board and staff gathered to make the plan for next year and the years to come. Our entire community has so very much to be proud of from 2022. 2023 is looking bright with new business owners, business expansions, big changes, and new faces in our community.

Speaking of changes…. all good things come to an end and that is true with anything. This is my last article for the Miller Press as the Executive Director for On Hand Development. I have made the difficult decision to leave On Hand Development and start a new journey. My last day at On Hand Development will be Friday, January 6, 2023.

I am so very proud of On Hand Development, our entire community and all of the wonderful things that have come out of this community. This was not an easy decision for me because of how much passion I have for this work AND the people that I get to work with. I need to move on and start new challenges. I know that I have given it my all at On Hand and I am confident the next Director will do amazing things.  

Lots of emotions leaving a job that I love so very much… I am nervous, excited, reassured, and the big one is gratitude.

ALL of the people that told me they enjoy my articles, sent me emails of encouragement, and thanked On Hand for helping their business… I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

I am so very thankful for the On Hand Development Board. These 11 people give up their time and energy for the betterment of our community for no compensation and have to handle some very difficult situations and make difficult decisions. I am so very grateful for this board and past board members for their passion, commitment to our organization, and open minds.

I have so much appreciation for Megan Fritzsche who runs the Community Center and handles every “game of clue” here with a smile and a joke. She is a big blessing for not only the Community Center but our entire community. Her compassion for helping people is so inspiring.

My wish to you moving forward is to please give our leaders grace and kindness moving forward. Remember when you voice your opinion and ask questions to do it with kindness. Remember to stay curious and ask questions before jumping to a conclusion.

On Hand Development Corporation is a big part of my story and it’s even a bigger part of our community’s story. As a community, we need to continue to support On Hand so that it can continue to help everyone in it. Thank you all for an unforgettable almost four years.

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